属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国高速公路 American Highways
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
1 | ||1:美国人支付每加仑18.4美分的联邦燃油税。||2:这一金额是在1993年定下的,那时新的乘用车每加仑油可以在美国道路上平均行驶28.4英里,最畅销的国产车在城里可以行驶18英里,在高速公路上可以行驶27英里。||3:2010年时新乘用车每加仑油平均可以行驶33.7英里,而最畅销车在城里可行驶22英里,在高速公路上可以行驶33英里。 | ||1: AMERICANS pay a federal fuel tax of 18.4 cents per gallon. ||2: That amount was set in 1993, when the average new passenger car on American roads got 28.4 miles per gallon (mpg), and the best-selling American car got 18mpg in the city and 27 on highways. ||3: In 2010 the average new passenger car got 33.7mpg. The best-selling car got 22mpg in the city and 33 on highways. | |
2 | ||1:欧洲的情况同美国差不多。著名的皇室婚礼举行地圣保罗教堂外支起了一个个帐篷,帐篷上面贴满了标语,标语的主要内容都是抨击银行家的(但也有一个上面写着“免费拥抱”)。||2:一位有好的教堂神职人员劝说警方不要把抗议者们赶走,至少因为现在时机不合适(如果抗议活动变成政府的眼中钉,人们的观点可能会改变)。||3: 在旅游行业工作的健谈的澳大利亚人Joanna Wilde说在“得不到我们想要的”她就不离开。尽管她这样说,“我们想要的”同在美国一样,获取不清楚是什么。 ||4:她的朋友Jan希望“更加平等,更加相通”。||5: 在一个临时帐篷里洗杯子的学生Jamie Lee说抗议活动是全球资本主义瓦解的开始。 ||6:一个列有十个要求的清单上批判避税天堂和商业对于政治的影响。 | ||1: The scene across Europe is similar. A tent city outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London, best known for royal weddings, is festooned with slogans, chiefly bashing bankers (though one offers “free hugs”). ||2: A friendly cathedral cleric persuaded police not to move the protest, at least for now (if it becomes an eyesore, views may change). ||3: Joanna Wilde, a chatty Australian who works in tourism, says she will stay “till we get what we want”—even if, as in America, what that might be is unclear. ||4: Her pal Jan wants “more equality and empathy”. ||5: Jamie Lee, a student washing cups in a makeshift kitchen, says the camp is “the beginning of the end of global capitalism”. ||6: A ten-point list of demands blasts tax havens and the influence of business over politics. | |
3 | ||1:这些商业巨人都希望在身处困境的传统出版商身上大捞一笔。||2:由皮尔研究中心和经济学人集团联合进行的研究发现,在IPAD发售后不到两年时间里,约11%的美国成年人都拥有了平板电脑,其中半数以上每天通过平板电脑阅读新闻。||3:这些人比那些没有平板电脑的人更热衷于看新闻,而且当出现长篇文章的时候,他们更喜欢用平板,而不愿在电脑特别是报刊上阅读。||4:奥特赛尔公司的媒体咨询师说,这项研究有力地证实了传统报刊正在被数字刊物平台所取代。 | ||1: These corporate giants aim to cash in on the desperation of traditional news publishers. ||2: A study last month by the Pew Research Centre with The Economist Group (this newspaper’s parent company) found that, less than two years after the iPad went on sale, 11% of American adults now own a tablet and more than half of this group read news on it each day. ||3: They are more avid news consumers than those without tablets (see chart), and for long articles they prefer their tablets both to ordinary computers and (remarkably) to print. ||4: Ken Doctor of Outsell, a media consultancy, says the study is the best evidence yet that tablets are gradually replacing print. | |
4 | 充分发挥学报的“信息交流平台”作用 | Make the Best of the "Information Exchange Platform" Function of the Journals | |
5 | 但接下来,大多数人都会努力改变他们的行为或态度,尽可能的调整自己。 | But then most people try to make the best of the situation, by changing their behaviors and attitudes. | |
6 | 但是,当衰退来临的时候,你必须具有应对和承受最小程度奔溃的能力。 | But, when disruptions happen, you need the capability to snap back and make the best of it with minimal disruption. | |
7 | 当下是我的生命中最有保障的时刻,我要好好的利用它。 | Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I will make the best of it. | |
8 | 凡是全心全意尽你所能,结局必然能惊悦所值。 | Make the best of what you love. You ’ll ba amazed at its value. | |
9 | 换句话说,善用组织沟通高手的领导者,自然会成为有效能的领导者。 | In other words, make the best of the leader whose tissue linked up the past master, will become the leader with efficiency naturally. | |
10 | 驾驶员需要在这方面进行配合,以使得这个系统工作得最好。 | In this point the driver’s cooperation is needed to make the best of this system. | |
11 | 她很高兴终于获得了自由,并且决心要充分利用它。 | She was glad to have finally won a measure of freedom and was determined to make the best of it. | |
12 | 你能做的只有尽力而为做到最好 | All you can do is make the best of it yeah | |
13 | 你为什么不开朗一点,随遇而安呢? | Why don’t you just smile and make the best of it? | |
14 | 如果每一刻你都对所遇之事做到尽力而为,不管事情是什么,你都尽力而为; | If each moment you’re making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; | |
15 | 如果是这样,要泰然处之或者享受电影可能就很困难了。 | Chances are, it might be difficult to even make the best of it and enjoy the movie. | |
16 | 如果政府好好利用这次医疗旅游热潮,那么它应该对富人和穷人的医疗保健都有益处。 | If governments make the best of the boom, then medical tourism should improve the health of rich and poor alike. | |
17 | 善用我们的技术基础设施 | Make the best of our technology infrastructure | |
18 | 是呀,我只好尽量看开些。 | Well, I must make the best of it. | |
19 | 所以我们要善加利用生命,有生之年做什么事都要尽力而为,因为我们仅能活一回。 | So we should make the best of it and do what we can in our lifetime because we only live once. | |
20 | 它不该在那儿,但这可爱的宝贝已决定试着吃出条路来,这将是件最有趣的事。 | It shouldn’t be in there but this cute baby has decided to make the best of an odd situation by trying to eat his way out of a watermelon. | |
21 | 我们必须尽量利用目前的形势。 | We have to make the best of the situation for the present. | |
22 | 我们必须要充分利用这好天气。 | We must make the best of the fine weather. | |
23 | 我们决定充分利用业余时间练习骑车 | We are determined to make the best of our spare time to practice cycling. | |
24 | 我们要充分利用一切事物,包括挖掘人类潜能。 | We should make the best of everything, including the best use of human potentials. | |
25 | 我知道这或许很难,但你最后依然会走向死亡,所以为什么我尽力地好好生活? | I know it can be hard, but you will ultimately die, so why not make the best of your life? | |
26 | 现在我认为,直面不可避免的向信息娱乐片发展的趋势是有价值的,并且要看看我们怎么能最好的利用这一转变。 | I now think it’s worth facing the inevitability of the shift to infotainment and seeing how we can make the best of it. | |
27 | 销售渠道较为完善,有不同渠道组合,对其占领市场份额做最佳的铺垫。 | Sales channels more perfect combination of different channels, make the best of i | |
28 | 许多变体使用这些不同安排的组合来充分利用它们的交换空间。 | Many use a combination of these different arrangements to make the best of their swap space. | |
29 | 医疗仪器、设备在临床医学发展中的作用、现存问题及解决途径 | How to make the best of the medical apparatus in the clinical medicine | |
30 | 意思是在逆境中也要尽力做好。 | This means you should always try to make the best of a bad situation. |